Lillian (Continued)

“OK.’ Carl mused, ‘here’s what I see that we have!  6 bodies in the last 3 months, that we know of ‘cause one missing a heart hasn’t yet been found, all killed in the same manner, steel spike to the brain, all cases show the surgical ability of someone trained or in training, all victims are single males in their 30’s and all are within a 20 mile area of downtown.  Now, the coat says that our killer is a woman and possibly associated with a medical field.”

Remus added, “If the coat is right, she’s a size 8, probably 110-120lbs. and 5’3 to 

5’5” tall.  With this lead, we can check bars local to each of the victims, looking for a regular hangout, then check surveillance cameras for dates near when the bodies were found, it’s a long shot, but a shot!  I’ll compile a list of bars and pubs within a mile radius of each vic and see what we’re dealing with.”

“I’ll get a list of all female surgeon’s in our 20 mile area, along with surgical nurses and female medical students, then we can look for any connections between the vics and the medical people and see if any would fit our coat’ Carl said,’ at least it’s a start.”  


Lillian took deep breaths to help calm herself.  She’d been fooled by this ‘John’.  She’d gone downtown to the Cure Lounge on Tremont St. where she’d had no trouble being “picked up” by a bar fly.

They’d subsequently taken a cab to his flat on W Newton, back down Tremont too far to walk.  She’d worn large dark glasses and kept the collar of her new coat up to obscure her face during the ride.

Now, here she was with her cadaver on the ‘John’s’ kitchen table and he wasn’t a he!

When Lillian removed his shirt, she found scars where the breasts had been removed.  Her “he” was in process.  She could see that ‘he’ had been having masculinizing hormone therapy, the skin of the face was less smooth and showed signs of beard stubble, but she’d uncharacteristically missed little details, while in her hunting mode, that were now apparent.  

This cadaver’s shoulders were more narrow and the upper arms less muscular, suggesting a birth female.  When Lillian removed the trousers, the genitalia had not yet been restructured.

Lillian consoled herself by removing this cadaver’s uterus and ovaries, laughing to herself that now the cadaver was more male than female.

After ‘cleaning up’, she decided to walk to her apartment, a few miles back down Tremont, rather than risk another cab or uber.  She put on a scarf and carefully avoided street lamps until she was halfway to Tufts Medical Center, which she passed on her way home.  She hummed to herself and smiled at the evenings cadaver confusion.


Remus had compiled his list of females associated with surgery and had a list of 7 surgeons, 23 surgical nurses and 132 medical students.  Carl had surveyed the home turf of each victim and had a list of 4-6 bars per victim to be checked, a total of 29. 





About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.
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5 Responses to Lillian (Continued)

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    This is quite a series of tales! The detail you provide is impressive, but also scary because how do you know these things???!!! Some day maybe you can share how you decided on the names for the bars!


  2. pales62 says:

    Thank you for the use of ‘Lillian”. Only you did it better than I!


  3. hamiltonsuzanne says:

    me too – I am both intrigued and horrified. Lesson – don’t pick people up in bars.


  4. I don’t normally read the group’s posts before they are read at the meetings, but couldn’t resist seeing what Lillian has been up to. You have me HOOKED.


  5. wordsmith50 says:

    My kind of thriller. Is it time for next weeks installment yet??


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