The Plague

It was a hazy day in the city. Soft, blurry clouds were putting on their brown bottoms to prepare for tonight’s rain. The morning papers spun their fake news, making our mood still darker. My wife and I walked past the park and watched the kids fight with each other. The sound of their crying filled the air. We were uncomfortable walking on the hot pavement. Our clothes were damp with sweat. We couldn’t help but notice the dreary expressions of the homeless people, sleeping in the few shady spots. With their filthy bags that contained all they owned. We passed people, leaving work for lunch. No one was laughing or even smiling. Perhaps, the were worried about safety of their children, parents or friends. No one could imagine that this could happen in the United States of America in 2019.

The spread of the plague was on everyone’s minds. The President and news reports said a plague was coming! The President said that he was going to build a wall to prevent hordes of Spanish-speaking foreigners from spreading drugs, crime and disease to Americans, while they take our jobs, property, and homes. He said we will build a Wall, a thousand miles long, to keep them out! What good idea! The news was filled with the voices of The President and many congressmen, who assured us that stopping the plague was our first priority. But, then. we heard that it could cost 21.6 Million Dollars. Where would all that money come from? The President said, himself, that he would never take the money from Social Security, Medicare or other health programs. Well, at least, we can put our trust in him!

More and more people became frightened by the possible plague, as evermore politicians, TV News shows, newspapers, and magazines debated about the best way to solve the problem. Some people thought that our South American natives were nice people, who helped farmers keep prices low, while helping to feed their own families. The President and many Congressmen disagreed. Some people thought the President was lying about needing the wall, since News reporters saw no evidence of mobs of Mexicans sneaking in to the United States. Also, the President was known to tell untrue stories. For example, he reports frequently on the great progress in building the Wall, while waiting for Congress to agree to funding it. News coverage showed no such Wall being built.

All the truly unbelievable statements of the President resulted in the government looking in to these stories and searching for proof. Some 23 Congressional subcommittees are currently investigating the President.  We heard and read reports that the President is making himself rich the expense of the voters. Who would say such things! The President seems always to be hiring and “firing the people he appoints. So, I guess he is solving the problem. It does seem strange that many of his friends and employees have been indicted for crimes. Well, Congress recently refused to fund the Wall, and he could not get the money elsewhere. Thank goodness, that the Plague seems to have disappeared anyway, without the need for a Wall.

©Norman F. Estrin, Ph.D., The plague, March 14, 2019.

About normestrin

I enjoy creating sculptures, drawings, paintings, poetry, prose, and new ideas. I also enjoy playing tennis, ping pong, and using my sense of humor. My career was in the trade association field, creating new programs, books, and conferences to meet the needs of certain industries.
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1 Response to The Plague

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Loved your descriptive words in the first paragraph–the blurry clouds showing their brown bottoms, etc. It’s quite a dystopia…or is it??

    Liked by 1 person

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