Duty Calls

Consciousness came crawling back from the edge of oblivion as I slowly recognized where the annoying sound was emanating from. I pushed “accept” on my phone and listened to the electronic voice coldly say, “Get up now!”  3 a.m., right on time as usual; not much chance these electronic gadgets would give a guy an extra 15 minutes.  No time to lay around complaining, people were counting on me.

I went through the usual morning routine (shave, shower, dress) and was out the door by 3:35. My destination is only 2 miles away, so by 3:45 I pulled into the empty parking lot that surrounded my store. The key phrase here is “My Store”, not some branch of a conglomerate, this place is all mine and the banks’.

By 4 a.m. the kitchen lights were on, the ovens were warming up, and I retrieved the first batch of dough from the refrigerator. My little shop ran like a well-oiled machine because it had to. My regular customers would start arriving by 5 a.m. and if I wanted to keep them coming back I couldn’t waste their time. At 4:15 it was time to make the donuts!

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8 Responses to Duty Calls

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Delightful response—and makes me hungry for donuts! Duty calls was a great title.


  2. hamiltonsuzanne says:

    great description and idea… I love the different way you went…a call from your phone


  3. pales62 says:

    What flavors were the donuts?
    Good stuff!


  4. normestrin says:

    Ok, But I Was tricked again! I expected Russian invasions and outer space visits and all I got were donuts!


  5. jrowe2328 says:

    This reads like a lesson for the young as to how to create a positive future for yourself! Hard work and giving “the people” what they want and need, donuts!


  6. gepawh says:

    Judy is right, a great opening line! The story’s emotion flows well.


  7. Good story. It hooked me from the beginning and kept me interested. I especially liked the first part: “Consciousness came crawling back from the edge of oblivion … “


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