
Detective Carl Willets phone rang at 3AM, he was only half asleep.  He had the night call and and was lead tonight for he and his partner Remus Forsythe.  He took the call from the night desk, Sergeant Thomas, “ Carl, sorry to wake you, we’ve got another one, white male, 34 yrs old, spike to the brain and carved up, just like the others!”

Carl picked Remus up in front of his house 30 minutes later and they proceeded to the apartment of Ed Wilson, recently deceased lounge lizard.  Ed’s remains had been found by the super of his building when he went in to investigate complaints of a bad odor coming from Ed’s apartment.  The black and white team that answered the call had found Ed laid out on his kitchen table naked, dead, surgically opened and the wound sutured closed.

The ME did this one as a priority as this was the 5th case in the last 3 months and so far, they’d been able to keep it out of the media, but that wasn’t going to last long if there were no answers forthcoming SOON!

Carl and Remus read the ME’s report on the latest “Ripper” victim, Ed Wilson.  He’d been rendered unconscious by the stylus to the brain, death occurring within a 15 to 20 minute window, then had very specific organs resected, appendix, thymus gland and the right testicle but not the left.  Signs that surgery had commenced after death were apparent by lack of blood splatter, as the heart was no longer pumping, so blood pooled, not spurted or flowed.  As in the other 5 cases, all male, each victim was surgically opened and closed, such that, until autopsy, no evidence was available to the naked eye that indicated what had been taken from the body.

The “Ripper” victims had all been subjected to surgery with the resultant lose of a L lung, a R kidney, an entire esophagus, one lobe of a liver, 4’ of small intestine, a spleen, a gall bladder, the pituitary gland, a prostate and now, Ed’s appendix, thymus and R testicle.

Carl had asked the ME, Dr. Frank Miller his opinion of these surgeries strictly from a medical viewpoint and Dr Miller had stated, “ Carl, most of these cuts were made by a surgeon or someone with training in the resection of common organs.  A couple, the thymus of Ed Miller and the gall bladder of victim #3 have some different components.  These 2 resemble surgical techniques by someone who’s experimenting or doing this kind of surgery for the 1st time.  I’m going to call a friend of mine, Professor John George, Head of Surgery at Tufts Medical School and ask for his opinion on what training this depraved killer has had.”

Later that same week:

It is 11PM at the Cherry Pit Lounge and Lillian, 3rd year medical student and budding surgeon sits alone at the end of the bar, nursing a Cosmopolitan.  She feels the eyes of the man 4 stools down looking over her body, she looks up and smiles.

About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.
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7 Responses to Depraved

  1. hamiltonsuzanne says:

    Wow. glad she is improving…I guess


  2. normestrin says:

    Unlike the others, I expected this kind of story from you. You are the one person I will not ask to share with me his hobbies! Your stories scare the hell our of me! Well done!


  3. jrowe2328 says:

    Thank you children, there is more to come!


  4. wordsmith50 says:

    Everyone seems to have gone a little dark with this prompt, I love it! Great writing as always. I need to attend more meetings so I can read the room better.


  5. pales62 says:

    You are into “spikes” in a very literary way.
    Fine writing!


  6. gepawh says:

    I am wondering why I amkind of intrigued by Lilian. Excellent continuation of her saga.


  7. Ooooooh, this gave me shivers. Good job.


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