
This was Ed’s first visit to the Silver Goblet wine bar.  He hoped to hook up with the opposite sex for a one nighter and his recent attempts at other bars had been less successful, so he was feeling a little randy.

He sat down at the bar, ordered a cabernet and surveyed the room.  There were a few potentials of varying ages, hair colors and body types, but as he gazed over the crowd he could feel eyes staring back at him.  When he located the woman, he mused to himself, “she’s not the prettiest one here but she’s younger than my Mom and she’s alone!”

Ed smiled at the woman, took his wine and moved to her table.  Her name was Lillian.  She and Ed talked for a few minutes, small talk, but enough to establish that they both had the same intention, a one night tension release.

They decided that Eds apartment was closer, paid their tab and walked the few blocks to Ed’s place, it was about 10:30.

Upon reaching Ed’s apartment, then closing and locking the door, they fell into a frenzy of undressing.  As they got down to underwear, Ed was so distracted by Lillian beginning to remove her bra that he didn’t see her palm a thin metal spike in her right hand.  

As her bra fell and Ed’s eyes were focused on her chest, Lillian moved her arms up to Ed’s shoulders.

Ed gave a quick intake of breath and felt a brief sharp pain, just before everything went black, as Lillian shoved the spike through his left ear and into his brain.  Unconsciousness was immediate, death followed shortly.

Lillian smiled as she redressed herself, reached into her purse for her surgical kit and began to hum as she prepared the cadaver for resection. 

About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.
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4 Responses to One-Nighter

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I was kind of hoping for a happier ending for Ed’s evening. But also, I’d like to know more about Lillian’s occupation…what’s the resection for???


  2. pales62 says:

    Holy cow – a devastating Poe-like piece! Where is Hitchcock when we need him?
    Most enjoyable!


  3. gepawh says:

    I laughed out loud! Somehow I knew Lillian would be Ed’s downfall. A great cautionary tale.


  4. Well done! Lillian is “a piece of work!”


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