Death Wish



The scene: a dingy bar in the east village in New York.

The time: August, 1936

Tony Lucchese and Vincent Gigante are sitting at a table in a private room.


Tony:  We aint’t got no cherce. We have to off the SOB! He’s tryin’ to horn in on our toif.

Vincent: Yeh, boss, he gotta go.

Tony: Listen, Vinny, get a few of the boys. Make sure they’re packing plenty of heat. I don’t want no mistakes.

Vincent: Hey, Tony, don’t sweat it. I’ll never let ya down. I know just the right guys for da job.

Tony: Yeh, who?

Vincent: Vito Genovese and Albert Anastasia. Dey’s real good. Dey can easily handle the job.

Tony: Good! Lemme know where and when.

Vincent: Ain’t no big deal. He’s as good as dead.

With that, two masked gunmen burst into the room, guns blazing. Tony and Vincent are mortally wounded. The killers disappear as quickly as they appeared.

Tony: Dammit (dies)

Vincent: Gurgles and death rates. (dies)

No one goes near the bodies until the policy arrive.

First officer: Two more not to worry about.

Second officer: You can say that again?

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4 Responses to Death Wish

  1. hamiltonsuzanne says:

    love the use of “native language”


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    Love the dialogue! Let’s have more….


  3. gepawh says:

    “Absolutly poifect” Fogetaboutit!


  4. NYC justice. Just let ’em wipe each other out.


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