Pelican Pens Project

In the back of our house in Pelican Preserve, interconnecting waterways give us incredible views. Ignoring Mitzi’s worries about the alligators. I sat on a rock near the moving water. I opened my laptop and started writing. Suddenly, there was a loud splash. I stared at the large, mean-looking alligator, who was also staring at me. in a split second, he grabbed my ankle by the shoe. We had a pulling contest as to who was going to get the shoe. “Hey, that’s cheating,” I thought, as it slowly pulled me towards the water. I grabbed the rock, but then


About normestrin

I enjoy creating sculptures, drawings, paintings, poetry, prose, and new ideas. I also enjoy playing tennis, ping pong, and using my sense of humor. My career was in the trade association field, creating new programs, books, and conferences to meet the needs of certain industries.
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2 Responses to Pelican Pens Project

  1. What a place for your “100 words” to run out!


  2. gepawh says:

    Mitzi knows best for sure! Why am I hoping it’s a loafer—you left the story stoking the mind with wonder!


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