In an Instant

I walked down a city street,

feeling grit beneath my shoes,

burdened by a cacophony of voices,

coughing the exhaust of taxis,

amid a rainbow of faces.


My thoughts lived in clean, high mountains,

reveling in the scents of pine and rain,

soothed by a stream tumbling over shining boulders,

surrounded by life both large and small,

a cool breeze drying my tears.


My soul floated

in the vast space between galaxies,


at peace in the silence,

at one with Universe.

About J. E. Marksteiner

J. E. Marksteiner lives in (usually) sunny Florida with her long-suffering husband who indulges her passion for writing. Publications on Amazon include Living in the Undimension, Tales from the Bottom Drawer, Reluctant Mystic, Three Crones: Over the Fence (with P. Jo Richmond and C. J. Hesse) and three short stories: The Bus Stops Here, The Brides' Locket, and Visiting Days. She welcomes comments from readers.
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2 Responses to In an Instant

  1. normestrin says:

    The comparison of the noisy, filthy city streets, with the joy ahead in quiet peace. is powerful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. gepawh says:

    Poignant and poetic

    Liked by 1 person

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