It was the first day of the new year and Alain was sitting at his favorite table in Starbucks, Soho, NYC. His thoughts turned to the many new years he spent with Veronica. She was simply stunning; tall, shapely and always fashionably dressed in the latest designer fashions. Her beauty took his breath away!

He ordered his usual, cafe’ latte with extra cream and three packets of sugar.

Nothing ever disturbed this ritual, that is, until she walked in!

He hadn’t seen her in over ten years; never heard a thing about her, after they broke up. It was looking like the new year would turn out to be a good one.

At the sight of her, gorgeous as usual, he froze in his chair; the latte’ trembling in his hand.

Then she spotted him and immediately walked over to where he was seated.

“Alain”, she chirped with apparent glee. “It’s been so long; I missed you!”

She took a seat next to him, brushing his hand with hers. No doubt, this was going to be a fantastic year!

Eventually regaining his composure, he said, “It’s great seeing you!”

“I can’t believe you’re here!”

“You can’t? “It’s me, you SOB!”

Alain recoiled with alarm. She obviously remembered – remembered all the hardships he had put her through, the philandering, the lies…

“I’ll bet you’re glad, you snake-in-the-grass”, she screamed as she threw a cup of latte’ in his face and stormed out as the other patrons stared in amazement.

He thought, “It doesn’t seem to be the new year I hoped it would be.”

“Oh well, I seemed to have spilled my latte’. Could I get another, extra cream and three packets of sugar?’


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  1. The past always comes back to haunt us, doesn’t it? We can’t turn back time and change what we did, but we can always order another latte.


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I thought this was going to be about a couple getting back together, but it had quite an unexpected twist! I hope he gets his replacement latte at least!


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