
Willard knew that these weren’t feelings that he should be having, he knew that these impulses were heightened by the pornographic websites he’d been visiting more often lately.  He’d been very careful to keep his computer codes locked away so his mother couldn’t find out what he’d been watching.

He knew this was wrong, sneaking out of his room at night and prowling the neighborhood, watching for a shade that wasn’t pulled completely down and possibly a partially or nude female to ogle.  This activity had become more frequent lately, maybe because of the moon, he wasn’t sure, just that he was doing it more often and becoming more bold in his approach.

Willard’s urges were pressing him to be more aggressive in his nightly sojourns.  This night he slit the screen on the window, slid it open and climbed into the front room of Mrs. Wilson’s house just a few doors down from the home where he lived with his mother.

He moved silently room to room, coming to Mrs. Wilson’s bedroom, door open, she sound asleep, alone in her bed, no children in the house.  Willard pulled back the covers, heart pounding, he placed his hand on her chest.  He never saw the rolling pin coming.

Willard woke 4 days later in General Hospital, his mother sitting in the chair next to his bed.  Willard’s head was bandaged all around and he was groggy, but felt different.  Later that afternoon, after he had been awake for a few hours, Willard’s mother explained what had happened over the past few days.

The police had been called to Mrs. Wilson’s home to find Willard in her bedroom, unconscious on the floor and bleeding from a head wound caused by the rolling pin Mrs. Wilson had beaned him with.

Willard had been taken to General Hospital, where the medical team had put him through an MRI and subsequently found that he not only had a concussion from the blow, but a tumor pressing on his frontal lobe.

Over the next few months, Willard learned that the tumor that had been growing in his brain was the reason for his aberrant urges, that said tumor had been removed, his hormone levels had returned to normal and that Mrs. Wilson decided not to press charges.

Willard felt a lot lighter as this new person and so glad that he really wasn’t the old one!


About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.
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2 Responses to Willard

  1. A tumor, huh? Good excuse. Seriously – well written!


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    Very creative story…using the name Willard set me up to expect a horror story. Willard the movie was a pretty scary part of my youth!! I’m glad this had a happy ending.


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