She was the cutest, best-looking, hottest girl in the entire high school (at least, I thought so), and she consented to go out with me! We decided to go to the state fair.

We spent an absolutely fantastic time together, trying all the rides, playing all the rigged games (losing every one) and over-eating all the simply rotten state-fair food.

The last game, the Wild West Rifle Range, was designed for someone to knock down moving clay figures with the ten shots provided.

We hadn’t won anything all evening, so I decided to try to impress her with my shooting prowess, hoping it would assure me of another date with this lovely lady. I convinced myself that a prize was finally coming our way.


We stepped up, I paid my dollar for ten “bullets” and took very careful aim. Then I pulled the trigger……



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2 Responses to STATE FAIR

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I like your stories about this time of life and your very creative way of responding to the prompt!


  2. So did he miss, or hit all ten? I’m betting he hit all ten and ended up marrying the girl.


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