Free Will


Decisions have been hard for me. Should I choose “A” or “B”? What unconscious forces are pushing me? Some say everything is pre-ordained. Others say everything is accidental and random. So here I stand, trying to make a simple decision.


I could choose “A” and walk up to that woman with a baby in her arms. A handbag the size of Cleveland is living on her left side. The huge appendage probably contains more than a few diapers. I suspect there are changes in clothing and provisions for a week as she prepares to flee with her child following her being discovered to be an embezzler at the bank where she has worked slavishly for ten years. If I wander up to her she may disclose her perilous position and I would have to either aide her in her escape or call the authorities and obtain a massive award. I could be on the late news either way.


I could choose “B” and walk up to the young dude with biceps trying to break free of a tight T shirt. He is ridiculously muscled. He has curly blonde hair and his arms are loaded with tattoos, each with a fascinating story no doubt.  I suspect he might be a movie star; he does look familiar. I bet he would be happy to tell me a few stories about the tattoos and then he might admit he is a star, between films at the moment. Maybe I would join him for a quick flight to Hollywood and a tour of the studio.  I did do a little acting in high school and this might be my big break.


I’m torn. Either way, my life could be changed. I paused for a minute, glancing back and forth, then I quickly chose option “C”. A new cash register station opened up. By making no choice, I was now the first in line and I will leave the store a few minutes ahead of the others. I hope I don’t have an accident leaving the parking lot just because I was two minutes early. But I will hopefully be home in time to catch Wheel of Fortune, so I’m glad I didn’t pull the trigger earlier.

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2 Responses to Free Will

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Great character descriptions! I would like to see them meet again in another story!! I even want to know more about the guy watching Wheel of Fortune–did he guess the adage??


  2. Ah, the dilemmas of everyday life! You always write them so clearly and yet so tantalizingly. Good use of trigger.


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