Daily delivery.

Every day a shot of caffeine gets delivered while the sun also rises. But more important, more pervasive, more wonderful is our house.

Our house delivers fantastic feelings of security, comfort, and enjoyment every day.

It’s the “up north” home that I’m talking about. It’s still the locus of what we call home. While we did raise our children “down state” as we all acknowledge as roots, our grand kids know of no other place than what we now call home.

That’s important. Grandkids are the endearing present, and the dreams of the future. Five energetic, inquisitive, and very smart boys. No girls emerged from the wombs of our beautiful daughter-in-law Elizabeth nor from our daughter Heidi. But what a great bunch they are.

Back to the home. It’s getting cold up here in the north country. But, our home has a wonderful source of warmth, a colossal fireplace. Wood burning each day adds to the physical warmth and the intangible feeling of home.

So each day, upon waking up I get delivered to me a wonderful place called home.

About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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4 Responses to Daily delivery.

  1. jrowe2328 says:

    I, too, love a wood burning fireplace. Staring into a crackling fire is much better than watching TV and it lets your mind go to all the comfortable places, as if you were reading a good book.


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    You have a wonderful description of what’s important in life! I hope you’ll do another version of the comforts of your SW Florida home when you return…


  3. This is more poetry than prose, and I LOVE it.


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