Nuevo Comienzo

Ed knew he hadn’t been “right” since he lost his dead wife’s wedding band 3 months ago.  He’d been in a kind of funk for the last year since loosing her to cancer and the ring, which he’d worn on a chain around his neck, meant a lot to him.  It was a unique design with a cabochon emerald on each side of the central diamond in a yellow gold setting.  It hadn’t been that expensive, it had just been “hers”!

He had no clue what had happened to the ring, the chain clasp must’ve come loose and the ring fallen off.  He’d never felt it happen, just realized it was gone when he got home after work one evening and changed clothes.  

In spite of his funk, he’d met a nice girl recently, the first time he’d really looked at another woman since Millie had died.

Lucy was a waitress at Lou’s Diner, down the block from the apartment building in which Ed lived, so Ed had become a frequent patron in the recent months and he had warmed to Lucy over that time.

Ed finally decided to ask Lucy out on a date, so he could get to know her better and get to talk to her more than a few seconds between customers.

She said “yes” and their first date was at a neighborhood restaurant, Nuevo Comienzo, which in Spanish meant “New Start”, the translation printed on the menu.  

They talked easily together, both feeling comfortable and at ease, Ed feeling his funk lifting and having no guilt for his interest in Lucy, she happy for his interest in her and returning the feeling.

They toasted the evening with a glass of pinot grigio and Ed noticed the ring on Lucy’s right hand, a unique design with a cabochon emerald on each side of the central diamond in a yellow gold setting!

“That is a beautiful ring, Lucy” Ed exclaimed.  “There is a story here’ Lucy replied, then continued ‘a few weeks ago, when I got home after work and went to change clothes, I noticed a piece of paper stuck to my left shoe.  It turned out to be a pawn slip from Regal Pawn just a few blocks from here on Burke Street.’

‘ I went by Regal the next day just to see what the pawn slip might be attached to and this ring was what that slip was for.  The owner said one of our local homeless brought it to him a few months ago saying he’d found it on the street.  He’d given the man $50 dollars for it.  I couldn’t resist.  I love it, I imagine a beautiful love story behind the original owner”  she held the ring up to sparkle in the light of the table’s candle.

Ed smiled, “What a great story,’ he said, ‘I can just feel that beautiful love story behind the ring”!

The food was good and their date went well.  Ed walked Lucy home, them holding hands for the few blocks to her apartment just a few blocks from Ed’s.  

They made plans for a picnic in the local park for the next Saturday morning, Lucy’s shift wouldn’t start til 4pm.  

Ed kissed Lucy goodnight at her door and strolled home lighter than he’d felt in the past year.  He smiled to himself, he would tell Lucy the rest of the beautiful love story behind the ring someday!  


About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.
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4 Responses to Nuevo Comienzo

  1. Ed has kept his secret, but now it is giving him pleasure instead of pain. Good twist.


  2. pales62 says:

    Ed and Lucy are made for each other!
    Nice piece of writing!


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    Thanks for the inspirational pawn slip example! I’m glad Ed has a new friend–I hope it works out! And will you tell us another chapter about how he tells Lucy??

    Liked by 1 person

  4. gepawh says:

    A touching and creative story. Love the name of the restaurant. Ed has great restraint. This story could offer a prompt. What would you do if you encountered someone who possessed something of such emotional value, that you’ve misplaced or lost?


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