Someone to Love

They had been lovers in college, 40 years ago, but those times didn’t allow their feelings for each other to be out in the open and their lives took different paths when Wilma couldn’t fly in the face of society’s distrust of their feelings for each other.

Agnes never married, staying in love with Wilma all those years.  She had relationships with other women along the way, but nothing ever replaced her love for Wilma.  

Wilma had married, thinking she would find solace in the change after Agnes and could adapt.  She had fooled herself and her husband for 30 years as her children grew up and she and her husband grew apart.  Wilma came to grips with herself and the true feelings that surfaced when she finally allowed herself to come first in the future that faced her.

When Wilma called her, after finding her on Facebook, Agnes cried herself to sleep with tears of joy.    She felt no recrimination toward Wilma for the decisions she had made that had kept them apart all these years, she was too happy that they might have a new start.

They agreed to meet in New York and when they met, all that time apart evaporated and they were as young lovers again, lost in their care for each other, this time knowing that it was for them alone, no one else and that their feelings for each other were the most important part of their future lives.

On the carriage through Central Park, Agnes looked at Wilma, smiled and laughed.  Wilma joined the laughter.  They were free, at last, free.

About jrowe2328

the more I read of history and religion, the less sure I am that I have ever correctly understood what I learned as a child.
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4 Responses to Someone to Love

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    A sweet love story. I like the thinking that eventually love will find a way!


  2. gepawh says:

    A bittersweet tale. Makes one sorry they chose solitude (married or not) over love, and makes you smile that at least they have their desire now!


  3. You handled a sensitive story very well. I have personally known two women (unknown to each other) who went through this and can testify to how painful it was for them.


  4. pales62 says:

    WOW! A “taboo” topic handled with aplomb! I love your lovers!


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