Margaret Mary Pence and her sister, Emily Sue Grassley, nee’ Pence, had not seen each other for over twenty years.

Emily Sue and her husband, Chuck, had spent those years in Asia, working for the US State Department.

When Chuck retired, they arrived back in the states. Emily immediately contacted her sister. They agreed to meet as soon as possible.

Margaret had never married, living the life of a lonely spinster in New Salem, Alabama. Emily and Chuck never had children.

After a very teary reunion, they agreed on taking a buggy ride around Central Park where they could catch up with all the news from the past years they were apart.

They never noticed the blurry figure in the window of the house before the carriage started to move. They were just too wrapped up in listening to each other.




They also did not notice that the apparition from the window following them.

“You look marvelous”, said Margaret Mary. “You haven’t aged a day, since I last saw you!”           ”Oh, go on, Margaret Mary. You’re the one that looks the same!”

The driver looked back, asking what they’d like to see. Before they could answer, the apparition engulfed the carriage. The driver’s face eerily turned into a skeletal-like visage. The horse, pulling the buggy, transformed into a fire-breathing creature!

The creature reared up and galloped into the unknown. The driver let out a ghost-like moan. The sisters screamed in terror. No one heard them.

They were never seen again!

Chuck Grassley filed a missing person report to no avail. He searched for months after the disappearance, but nothing ever came of it.


The moral of this story? Anything can happen in the Big Apple, obviously including the disappearance of a buggy, a driver, a horse and two sisters.

A post script: Four years after the disappearance, a plot of flowers mysteriously grew in Central Park.   The flowers were an exact replica of the flowers on the back of the driver’s seat, when the ladies entered!?!




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6 Responses to A CARRIAGE RIDE

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I think you are borrowing from Greek drama–in the early stories there was always some supernatural happening and your last two stories have had that!!


  2. gepawh says:

    Never let it be said that American imagination is dead. Fun story to read and see in one’s mind. Politics aside, Bill Nelson or Richard Blumenthal filing the missing person report would have made me more “ascared.”


  3. jrowe2328 says:

    Don’t you just hate it when that happens? They opened the door to the next dimension and let the monsters out and the MIB weren’t there to save them. I wouldn’t get too close to those flowers either!


  4. wordsmith50 says:

    Talk about the ultimate left turn plot twist!


  5. Ooooh, spooky! I didn’t see the end coming.


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