Liam’s Lament



Liam came home to an empty house. He had just buried his older brother, Charles. He found no food and was totally panicked about what to do next. His mom and family would soon be home.

He was now the “Main Man”, with responsibilities he never before had to handle. The meager salary he earned, working at the mill, would never be sufficient! What could he do?

Liam went down the road to the house of his old friend, Stiofan Doherty. Maybe he could temporarily borrow some food to get his family through this horrible time.

No one was home, but the front door was unlocked.

Liam entered and looked around. There was little in the way of food. Then, the thought hit him. Stiofan didn’t need any of the home’s contents.


After all, Stiofan was a lost soul, since he lost his love, Fiona, to another man.

He got a pillow case and started loading whatever he thought had some value.

When he was almost done, Stiofan unexpectedly returned! “What’s going on here?”, he asked.

Liam replied, “I promise I’ll pay you back, but I desperately need money to take care of my family.”

“Did you ever for a moment stop to think that the items you are stealing are all I have left? They have great value to me and I cherish them!”

But Stiofan was adamant: My family is all I have left. Have some pity! You know I just lost my brother and Fiona to another man.”

“I have no choice. I’m taking this stuff and you can’t stop me!”

“The hell you are!”







A fight breaks out as Liam tries to leave. It becomes a violent struggle. Liam grabs the pillow case and bashes Stiofan in the head.

Stiofan is mortally wounded. Before he dies, he says to Liam: “Thank you. You’ve done me a favor. I rather die than live without my beloved, Fiona!”



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4 Responses to Liam’s Lament

  1. Needs leading to conflict. An eternal human struggle. So sad. Powerful story!


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I love it! Glad you were able to blend the stories about Stiofan and Liam–very creative. Definitely a tragic ending. It’s about an eternal struggle of competing needs that often result in war with one side winning and one losing, but which was which???


  3. gepawh says:

    Beautifully bleak. Liam, the villain and hero—love it! Poor Stiofan exemplifies that love has the power to heal and kill. Great Job!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. cocowriter says:

    Tragic! Liam, Stiofan, and high drama! Good job!


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