It was our first date: a ratty, old blanket, spread on the grass near the lake, some deli sandwiches and soda and a lost kite trapped in the branches of a nearby tree. I wanted to date her roommate-a sexy blond-but played it safe, asking her out instead, hoping she wouldn’t say no. Later, she climbed the tree and freed the kite! I started applauding. On the way home we touched hands and never let go.

Twenty years later, it turned out she was the better choice. She is always soft and delicate, shedding her light wherever she goes.


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6 Responses to THE PARK

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Great story. I loved that she was the one who climbed the tree for the kite! Lots of symbolism here–I think you could do a series–Adventures of the Lost Kite!


  2. gepawh says:

    Funny how fate (playing it safe) turns out to be a blessing!


  3. calumetkid says:

    I can identify with this story. Well told. You just never know.


  4. wordsmith50 says:

    Painted a nice picture in a few words. Well done!


  5. pales62 says:

    I’ll never tell!


  6. 99 words. Good job. And I hope I was a true story!


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