Geraldo Rivera gave me the address of this house in New York’s lower east side in a rapidly decaying, unsafe neighborhood. He didn’t want to take a chance on another Al Capone’s safe disaster. He assured me that there was a great and important story waiting to be told. I had to see for myself.

The rotted front door easily opened. I went in. When my eyes adapted to the darkness, the only thing I saw was large, decaying stairway with light at the top. Nothing else!

I slowly, cautiously ascended the creaky, aged steps. When I reached the second floor, there was still nothing but another, similar stairway.

I ascended to the next floor with rising fear and trepidation. Third floor – the same! Fourth, fifth, sixth – still the same. Nothing!


Then, suddenly, at the top of the staircase to the seventh floor, there appeared a figure of an old lady, bathed in sunlight from a transom and dressed in a flowing, white, gossamer gown!

“Who are you?”, I asked.

No answer – just a low moan emanating from somewhere in the abandoned structure.

The old lady did not move. Neither did I. I was frozen with fear. Suddenly, the figure disappeared in an aura of fine white mist.

I panicked and ran down the steps as quickly as my tired legs would take me.       There was no story here; just my fatigued mind playing weird tricks on me.

But, “Ooh, it makes me wonder

Ooh, it really makes me wonder.”


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  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I think you need to do a sequel so we know the rest of the story! I was expecting the lady at the top of the stairs to be young. Glad you added the local color of Rivera and Capone!!


  2. Oh, what fantasies our minds can weave! Good story.


  3. gepawh says:

    And you make the reader wonder as well—-who was the “old woman, bathed in sunlight, dressed in a flowing white gossamer gown! What a description! I fell in love with her!


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