Obviously, when one is asked his or her perspective on progress, the U.S. government immediately comes to mind. I am not about to fall into that trap! There are tons of pundits who cover that topic far better than I ever could.

Therefore, let us, my little snowflakes, look at my perspective on the progress of my life. Admittedly, a wee bit egocentric, but here goes anyway.    We’ll tackle mental first. Luckily, my brain is still largely intact, save for a few forgotten words and fading memories. All in all, not too bad for a rapidly aging dude who continues to read vociferously, watches enough TV to blind the average person and earnestly tries to keep up with most everything happening in this bizarre world – none of which I am the least bit happy about.










Okay, that part was relatively painless. Speaking of pain, let us now delve into the physical part of my little dissertation. Simply put, there just ‘ain’t no’ progress on that front.

I have been reduced to a guy who basically participates in the following physical activities: walking and swimming. I should be thankful that I can still partake in those two items, but I am not! Each and every sport or any other physical activity that I used to rabidly take part in is down the drain of my aging sink!





Any vigorous activity – I repeat, any – is met on the following day by: “You have been repeatedly told not to try that! Are you stupid or just a glutton for punishment? Have some common sense for crying out loud!”.

This lack of active participation in the many varied and, most importantly competitive, sports of my youth has become a mental strain.

How’s that for irony?

This leads to a basic metaphysical equation: good mental plus bad physical equals lousy mental.

Put that in your grandkid’s algebra assignment and have them try to solve it.

They won’t, because they have their physical powers intact – I am jealous and have given up trying to solve it myself,


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  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Very enjoyable read and I’m glad you are a vociferous reader–I love that word vociferous! LIke the reference to us being pilgrims traveling down (or is it up) the pathway of life that is increasingly full of hurdles! So sorry that pain has the edge this week—there are many of similar ages who can identify with that. I’m still working on a solution for your metaphysical equation…


  2. gepawh says:

    Not to be a cliche—-but—-the answer my friend is to be as Bobby McVarin (hope I remembered his name) suggests—-don’t worry, be happy! and know, you’ve made a great impact in this world, and I don’t mean “impacted wisdom tooth” either!


  3. I especially love the line “down the drain of my aging sink.” Me too, friend. Me too. Well said.


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