No Respect

I don’t get it! People are always calling me a pane. Just what have I done to deserve such disrespect? I let in the light, block the wind and cold, and can help enhance a room’s beauty. I can even protect people from flying hurricane debris. So what is it that has garnered me this moniker? The only way I can become a pain is if someone cuts themselves on me while trying to change me out. I know a lot of people don’t like cleaning me, but is getting dirty my fault?


I’ll tell you who’s a real pain, Sill. It’s always “look at the pretty flowers they put on me”. If it wasn’t for me, all Sill would be holding is a pot full of dirt. No light no flowers, simple really. But I’m a pane right!


Sash understands. He’s always lifting me up when I’m down and gently lowers me into position when the air gets uncomfortably cool. Yup, Sash is OK, and nobody ever refers to him as a pain, unless one of his cord’s snaps.


What it all comes down to is respect. I don’t get none! Guess that’s how life is though. Those of us that quietly go along doing our jobs, not being flashy or striving for glory, are invisible, which is what I’m supposed to be. What a pain it is being a pane.

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2 Responses to No Respect

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I love the unique ways to address the prompt this week. Your was fun and creative and I love the puns.


  2. I loved your last line! It summed up the story perfectly.


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