Tick… Tick… Tick…

OK, I did volunteer for this job, so I have nothing to complain about. In fairness though, I volunteered shortly after basic while I was in the middle of AIT (Advanced Infantry Training). The idea of running around Afghanistan with a rifle really wasn’t my idea of a good time. So when a couple of sergeants with a bunch of ribbons on their chest came into our training area and asked for a few volunteers for special training, my hand shot up before I even knew what the job was. That’s how I ended up in the Army’s Bomb Disposal Unit.


Generally the job has been pretty cool. Most of the time is spent learning about explosive devises and how to disarm them. When we are out in the field we wear these Michelin Man suites and stop things from going BOOM. As it turns out I’m actually really good at the job, which is probably why I got called for this one.


I’m currently laying on my side in a tunnel under the main hangar at Bagram Air Force Base. It must have taken months to dig this and it was only found, by accident, a couple of hours ago. The call went out to get the bomb squad on sight ASAP. That was over an hour and a half and we only arrived fifteen minutes ago. You’ve got to love inter-branch communication. The bomb is here because the President was supposed to land in approximately ten minutes. Now he’s flying in circles waiting for the all clear and I’m in this cramped hole with a bomb the size of an SUV.


Tick… Tick… Tick…


Most IEDs are fairly simple devises. There is a power source, a triggering device, a detonator, and the explosives. This device is much more complicated with wires leading around and through what looks like a backup trigger in case the first one fails. Someone put a lot of thought into designing this and I now have only three minutes left to disarm it.


Tick… Tick… Tick…


I know from past experience there are certain wires that are dead ends. I focus on a pair of white and black wires in the very back of the bomb that look like they control everything. I reach around with my pair of wire cutters when my arm moves the control module. Nothing goes boom and that’s a very good thing. Under the control panel I can now see another pair of wires, red and green.

Tick… Tick… Tick…


Now I understand. The black and white wires are decoys. Cut one of them and everything goes up in a big ball of fire. It’s the red or green wire that needs to be cut. But which one?  In times like this we’re taught to go with your gut, but all my gut is saying is that I’d really like a cheeseburger. Red means stop green means go. Go with your head and cut the red. No time for further deliberation.

Tick… Three… Two… Snip!

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4 Responses to Tick… Tick… Tick…

  1. pales62 says:

    You “cut’ (in honor to the wires) a great piece of writing and a great piece of “wire choice”.


  2. lynteach8 says:

    Good story, good writing. I’ll wonder about the ending all day.


  3. gepawh says:

    Good job. Nursery rhymes sometimes hold much knowledge. One finds themselves wondering which one they would cut.


  4. Oh, I hope you cut the green one! The designer was trying to outwit you right up to the end. (Can’t claim credit for this as something similar happened in the book I just finished reading.) I love this! It fits the prompt perfectly. The last line (… Two … Snip!) was perfect. The reader is left wondering if Snip was followed by “BANG!” or a deep sigh of relief.


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