Benny “Boom-Boom” Flores headed for the championship bout with Frankie “The Flash” Johnson. He had earned this title shot. From the first time his father laced up a pair of Benny’s boxing gloves to this day, he was primed for this fight. He entered the ring, after winning twenty straight bouts (seventeen by knockouts). He was in the best shape of career. Nothing could stop him now!

He was full of confidence. His opponent wouldn’t even look him in the eye. He had lost five bouts already.

The first two rounds were uneventful; mostly a feeling out process for both fighters. Both rounds were scored even by the judges.


In the third round, Benny walked into a vicious sucker punch: an uppercut that sent him hard to the canvas.

“One”, yelled the referee. No response.

“Two” came the next utterance. Still no response.

“Three, four, five, six”. Still nothing.

After “seven”, Benny stirred.

By “eight” he got up on one knee.

With the count of “nine” Benny got to his feet.

I would like to tell you that Boom-Boom regained his consciousness and proceeded to badly beat his opponent, but that is not what happened.

Benny never boxed again!

The Flash went on to become world champion……






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8 Responses to …NINE, TEN AND OUT

  1. pales62 says:

    Boom Boom always fought a bunch of patsies on his way up!


  2. cocowriter says:

    A countdown with a surprise ending — good job!


  3. pales62 says:

    Maybe you forgot my boxing nom-de-plume?


  4. lynteach8 says:

    I always like your character’s names and always so fitting to the story. I don’t think I could actually watch a boxing match, but I liked reading your story.


  5. gepawh says:

    Nice Names “boom-boom and the flash! Too bad Benny underestimated The Flash, or did he overestimate himself? Leaving unanswered question allows the reader to wonder….


  6. Good building of tension. This shows confidence can make or break someone.


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