Stanislaus opened his back door. He stepped out in the morning haze, humming a Credence Clearwater song, breathing in the fresh air. He was met by two shotgun blasts, killing him instantly!

His wife, hearing the shots, rushed out the door. She too was immediately hit by two more blasts, dying before she hit the ground!

The gruesome deaths of the couple filled the small seaside community of Castle Pelican with horror and fear, for sure, but also a misplaced sense of pride that their tiny community was in the national headlines.

After a short period, the reporting of the double killings subsided and life returned to normal. No one much thought about the tragedy except prospective buyers of the house. It was well over a year before the property sold.

The buyers, a retired couple from Cos Cob, Connecticut, emerged from their back door for a day of basking in the sun. Before they had taken just a step or two, blasts from a shotgun rang out. They also died before hitting the ground.







This time there was an extensive investigation. The backgrounds of both murdered couples were extensively probed. The FBI and Interpol were brought into the case. Forensic teams combed the area for weeks. Neighbors were extensively questioned over and over. No clues arose concerning the identity of the shooter. Nothing from the past of the victims was out of the ordinary.

Years passed. The house remained unoccupied.

The blood-stained door was all that was left to mark the site of the heinous murders. Neighbors, friends and strangers left flowers and cards at the door. This soon stopped, leaving withered blooms on the stoop.

One detective spent most of his spare time going over the case files, looking for anything that could help solve the case. He continued combing the back yard for anything that might lead him to the killer or killers. Nothing ever turned up, until one day, just weeks before his retirement, he discovered a tiny pin with a cross and the initials J.R.





He carefully placed the pin in an evidence bag and sealed it, precisely following police procedure. It wasn’t much, but it was something. He was returning to his car, when shotgun blasts rang out, instantly killing him! His blood mixed with what remained of the two previously murdered couples. The killer retrieved the pin from the detective’s pocket and fled.

No suspect was ever apprehended. The five murders appeared unsolvable. No motive was ever established.

A movie, directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Brad Pitt as the detective, earned great box-office success. Pitt offered a reward for any information, leading to the perpetrator of these crimes.

Nothing came of this either.

A man (Joseph Rowe) in the state prison facility made a death-bed confession, admitting he was the lone killer. It turned out that he was a landscaper and the first couple had complained about his work.  He took his revenge. In his paranoid state, he thought the second couple was actually the first couple returned from the dead to haunt him.












The detective was getting too nosey. The discovery of the pin was the deciding factor for his murder. He was just getting too close. He had to die!

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14 Responses to LOOKIN’ OUT MY BACK DOOR

  1. lynteach8 says:

    Ok, tell me where did the name Stanislaus come from? I will heed the warning and will keep my landscaping complaints to myself.


    • pales62 says:

      ‘Stanislaus’ was the name of my great, great, great uncle. Stanislaus Paleovich, a prosperous Polish land baron in Warsaw.

      He hired six landscapers to take care of his vast estate.



  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I’m glad to know where the Stanislaus name came from. I watch those police shows too so liked the story line–very creative! Having the reason for the crime be that someone complained about his work was a great touch!


  3. gepawh says:

    I though Joe seemed out of sorts lately! Who can blame him, I hate sloppiness as well!


  4. cocowriter says:

    Then there is the bear that swam in the lake behind my house . . . You are safer.


  5. calumetkid says:

    I now know why I like to go up north for the summer. It is plain to me that the heat and the rain too are having an effect. Get out now before everyone gets a shot gun.


    • pales62 says:

      Thank you for your warning.

      I’ve put up shotgun-resistant windows and doors!

      But is it safer up north?



      • calumetkid says:

        Yes it is safer. No poisonous snakes, alligators, or so many old people with cars. No traffic lights to wait for and run thru.
        If you think it’s worth it and have time you can read my latest to the group this week. Thanks!


      • pales62 says:

        Will do……..

        Perhaps you missed the news of a woman killed by a five-foot gator a few days ago??????



      • calumetkid says:

        I heard. That’s why it’s safer here.


  6. cocowriter says:

    Joseph Rowe need to write a payback story about the convict named Stephen Paley. Just sayin’ …
    One good tall tale deserves another.


  7. OMG. You have been watching too much TV. Seriously though, a tale well told.


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