


My wise-beyond-his-years, forty-seven year old son, told his “retired” parents that his retirement is in the next life. His belief is heaven (mine, too).However, when he chugs thru his 70’s, this ambition chemical engineer, father of five children, will wear out, as we all do. Time has a way of doing that, like it or not.

This dress rehearsal, called “life”, is a time for mistake making, growing, and learning. But most important, it is a time of preparation. Just like the hurricane preparations that we all go through in Florida, life requires preparation for the next phase. For believers, that means following our heart and believes. For me, I follow the adage “to much is given, much is expected.” Sure I’d rather be playing mahjong or tennis on Wed. afternoon instead of working in the soup kitchen. But when I see the face of God in the image of these homeless people, and serve them a meal, I know that I am doing what my heart pines for and my believes require. My only question, am I doing enough?

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2 Responses to Retirement

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    You are asking a tough question, but I’m glad you are helping at the soup kitchen. I like the idea of preparing for the next phase.


  2. “Let not your heart be troubled.” There will always be more people who need help than we as individuals can care for. You saw a need and filled it, and that is all that is required of us.


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