After completing extensive research via the World Wide Web, I came up with the following places to explore:

1 Fiji

2 Madagascar

3 Yucatan, Mexico

4 Tayona National Park, Columbia

5 French Polynesia

Delving deeper into the net, these locations not to visit stood out:

1 Great Pacific Garbage Patch (a floating island of plastic waste the size of Delaware)

2 Door To Hell , Turkmenistan (an underground cavern of burning natural gas)

3 An asbestos mine in Quebec

4 Ramreets, Burma (home to 1000s of crocodiles)

5 Zone of Alienation, Chernobyl

A third alternative is to stay home, sit in a comfortable chair (drink in hand) and read Hemingway, Paul Theroux, Bill Bryson or other travel writers, negating the need to travel anywhere (except to buy more to drink).

To accomplish this end, I made up the following excuses:

1 I do not speak the language

2 Everything is too expensive

3 Those foreigners hate Americans

4 If something goes wrong, there are no remedies away from home

5 I’d miss out on the myriad activities at home

Then, I decided I rather not sit home, but I’d prefer to not visit the recommended destinations. Aha! I’ll take my chances with those places that one shouldn’t visit!

Bon voyage!

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  1. I heard recently that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is now twice the size of Texas! Oh, Gaia, what have we done?!?


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I liked all your excuses…and would join you in reading Hemingway. It is a good thing that reading helps us travel without all the hassle! (And I just read that it also helps offset Alzheimer’s!!)


  3. jrowe2328 says:

    Your are correct Monsieur! We should go on an adventure, maybe go tow that floating garbage patch of plastic to the nearest Publix recycle bin! Then we could stop off in Fiji for a drink!


  4. lynteach8 says:

    I’m trying to imagine the floating garbage patch. We need a clean up crew. Always a creative approach to a prompt and we are informed.


  5. gepawh says:

    Laughed while I read it in the inflection of your voice. Another humorous take that is married to realism, by our very own brilliant, yet comical mind!


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