An Object of His Desire (or Dance Macabre

A warm, gentle hand reached out to me. Fingers caressed my middle. Together we swayed back and forth, cutting a pattern below…slowly rising up, then down, as if undulating and swirling to a Viennese Waltz. Then a tighter grip and rapid staccato movements followed, surprising me with the forced change of pace.

As I waited for the next rhythm, we returned to the familiar sway of the waltz. But after more starts and stops, I’m confused – forced with a swishing back and forth across the same space. A downward pressure forced me right, then left, then right again.

He swears in frustration. I want to cry out, “It’s not my fault!”

I’m lifted up, then leaned back as if in a Rumba’s dramatic dip, which leaves me breathless.

Oh, No! Not the electric pencil sharpener again!

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2 Responses to An Object of His Desire (or Dance Macabre

  1. You made my morning. Again, I did not anticipate that last sentence. You’re really good at surprising your reader, yet, when the reader looks back at the story, he says, “I should have seen that coming.”


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    Very creative…I was totally unable to guess what it was. The title/Dance Macabre was a great touch that is pretty apt…


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