How Could They Do This!

He walked reluctantly down the corridor, having been just dropped off by his parents with a cheery, “Have a good time, we’ll pick you up”. His parents had no idea what was ahead.


Rick’s feet seemed to want to stick to the floor. He ordered them to move forward and they did so, grudgingly, allowing only short, half steps.  The corridor was unusually empty.  His senses were heightened and he seemed to examine everything around him as his brain searched for data.  The stain on the ceiling seemed to resemble a bat of some sort.  The grey paint was pealing in a few spots revealing a former happy color.  Florescent lights flickered a warning signal.


A sudden loud cracking sound shot through his brain and he instantly reacted. His body quickly became two dimensional as he stood flat against the embracing wall.  He tried instinctively to become invisible.  The noise was followed by a plaintiff cry from inside, “How could they do this?! …. No, No!”


His feet attempted to take control again and head for the exit, but they followed orders. After a few seconds to collect themselves, they conveyed Rick forward at the aforementioned slow pace.  Finally reaching the doorway, these feet rebelled.  They would not press on.  Though his heart raced and sweat poured out of his forehead, Rick felt compelled to examine the scene inside.  He stretched his head and neck like a periscope as he peered into the huge room.


There before him was the boy sitting on the floor, crying, in the protective clutches of his mother. To the boy’s right was the remains of a shelf he had apparently just climbed.  The boy clung to the stuffed giraffe, mumbling “Geoffrey, Geoffrey”.  Mother tried to comfort the boy, “There, there, you got the last one” she said in a soft voice.


The truth stabbed Rick in the heart as he surveyed the aisles with only a few boxes and torn packages. A few other children were walking aimlessly in a zombie like state of shock.  A tear came to Rick’s eye as he thought to himself, “It’s true.  Toys ‘R Us is closing forever”.



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3 Responses to How Could They Do This!

  1. pales62 says:

    A fine way to find out that Toys-R-Us is closing. But also, clever!


  2. gepawh says:

    Who is Rick? And what did he do with poor Martin?


  3. That sound is me, laughing. You twisted the tale again and I love that. My favorite line is “His body quickly became two dimensional as he stood flat against the embracing wall.”


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