
Sylvia was so tired of staying home by herself.  She was now in her 80’s and she didn’t drive too far from home because her sense of direction just wasn’t as sharp as it use to be.   It was 3:30 on a surprisingly mild February afternoon.  She needed a few things at the grocery store, so she decided to venture out.

By the time Sylvaia was through shopping, she was surprised to see that it was rainy and dark outside.  However, she wasn’t worried because she didn’t live that far away,.  She could hear her two daughters now, warning her not to drive when it’s dark.  She thought “Well, it wasn’t dark when I went out, so it’s not my fault.”

As Sylvia headed home, she didn’t recognize the familiar land marks.  She was surprised that she couldn’t find her road anywhere, and thought, “What happened to my road?”  The more she drove, the more confused she became.  She had taken so many wrong turns, that she was not able to back track.   Her windshield wipers were going as full speed,  but her vision was becoming more impaired by the darkness and pouring rain.  She was now driving on a lonely country road.  She wished she could just see a house.  Her mouth was dry and she was sweating.  She felt like crying, but just had to keep driving.  Finally she came upon a condo development where she turned in.  It was like finding an oasis in the desert.

She spotted a house with the light on and knocked on the door.  A middle aged man slowly opened the door with a quizzical look on his face.  He was surprised to see this elderly woman out on a night like this and invited her in out of the rain.  She explained her situation and he offered her directions to her home area which was about two towns away.  Her eyes had the look of a deer’s in the headlights.  Sensing her confusion, he told her he would get in his car and lead her to a familiar road.  She was surprised by his kindness and ever so grateful.

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4 Responses to Surprises

  1. I love stories where the good in people comes out. There is so much “news” about the bad in our world that this is a refreshing tale. And one that bites a bit too close to the bone as we get older.


  2. lynteach8 says:

    I’m reminded of a time when 3 men gave me directions in TN. After they drew a different route, the one man, an off-duty Taxi driver, had me follow him through the Smokey Mountains to my destination.


  3. normestrin says:

    That was an uplifting good story that shows that good things can happen on bad nights. I am one of those with no sense of direction. I hoped she would come home OK, just as I do for me when I, inevitably, lose my way.


  4. jrowe2328 says:

    This strikes home, especially when we consider that we could be the protagonist in this tale! Moral, do not drive at night after a few rum and cokes!


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