




She nervously paced the hallway, eyes flitting in all directions as she drew deep breaths, trying to settle wrangled nerves. With shaky hands, she rummaged through her purse for a cigarette, dismissing the “no-smoking” sign. Let them try to stop me she groused to herself as she defiantly moved the forbidden cigarette to her lips. Ahh, the scent of tobacco – with eyes closed and head back she reveled in the familiarity, until a hand grasped her left arm Jarred from her euphoric state, she froze.


“Claire, Claire, it’s time.”


Her shoulders drooped as she reluctantly dropped the cigarette in her purse. With resolve, she turned and faced the messenger, immediately recognizing Joe Calumet, the hall guard.


“Were you going to light that in school? Are you shaking with fear of getting caught? Do you need a smoke to calm your nerves?”


He marched her down to the principle, Ms. Moore’s office and threw her purse on the desk – the pack of smokes tumbling out.


“You know that you should not be in the hall during classes and smoking is strictly a no-no. What’s your excuse?” She would not reveal the cause of her nervousness.


If only George hadn’t broken up with her and start dating Teresa, all this would never have happened. How could she ever face her friends again?


She was given a week’s detention and her cigarettes confiscated. Ms. Moore made it quite clear that the next time she violated school rules, she would be expelled! Better that than facing her friends.


The next time she saw George, she belted him with her purse, sans smokes, but with her Zippo still inside.

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2 Responses to finish

  1. lynteach8 says:

    That’s exactly how this Ms. Moore would respond. I know it was heartbreaking to end her romance with George. You had fun with this entry and it was fun to read.


  2. Really funny how you included so many of us in this piece! Love it. 😀


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