Driving Toward Discord

My hands clenched the wheel as my mind did a rewind, playing back to me years of family discord.  I saw myself serving as the referee, the peacemaker, the mediator, the arbiter, the “parole officer”, – always checking in to see that agreed behavior was in place and conditions improved.  How did I get so lucky to be THE ONE playing so many roles?  Does being the first born grant one these special gifts?  Or, did I audition for the parts over the years and claim title to all?

Being road weary I took the next exit ramp in search of a respite from driving.  As I stirred a fresh cup of coffee in a quiet, almost deserted Dunkin Donuts I sought to answer my own questions.  Why me?  After half an hour passed by, I stood with more vigor than before as I headed out the door of the shop.  My phone was back in my pocket and a new sense of freedom washed over me.

With relief and a bit of nervous trepidation I took the opposing ramp of I-75.  Dr. Stanley Kinnard, a trusted friend and psychologist was on his way to my parents house while I traveled back to my home, my husband, my kids.  Tough love is tough.  Tough love is making the hard choices, standing firm and helping others take charge of their own lives.  Will I be able to maintain such a stance with my family…… or is my intervention just a temporary reprieve before I jump back into the fray…..

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4 Responses to Driving Toward Discord

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Perhaps oldest kids seek harmony and often fall into the role of mediator, etc.? Anyway, I just read that we may have the last laugh, because oldest kids often outlast their younger siblings.
    I can identify with the clenched hands on the steering wheel, rewinding the events of the past. Good twist at the end by finding an unexpected alternative as a solution!


  2. gepawh says:

    A story of battles within one’s soul. “Tough love is tough,” not only is a truism, but freeing, as your story suggests.


  3. lynteach8 says:

    Love the title. I chuckled over “audition for the part” and the answer to your question was perfect.


  4. That decision took a lot of strength. I hope this isn’t autobiographical, Sandy.


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