Story Starter

It truly was a “dark and stormy” night. Sitting alone at my typewriter (I much prefer the old-school clacking of the keys as they snap at the paper), I smiled to myself at the cliché. A warm fireplace relaxed me, despite the occassional clap of thunder and flash of lightning. And a not-so-gentle rain began to tap rhythmically on the windows. It made a soothing white noise, which created a perfect atmosphere for writing my third mystery novel. I made the keys click out “Chapter One.” The next word after that was interrupted by a light rap on the front door – so light that I waited for a repeated sound to be certain that I hadn’t imagined it. Slowly, I rose and walked to the door.

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3 Responses to Story Starter

  1. pales62 says:

    Did you use a $2000 typewriter like Teresa?


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    Well done…I’m kind of interested in the first two mystery novels….?


  3. lynteach8 says:

    You got my attention.


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