There it Sat

There it sat. Small, sleek and all-knowing.  Arrogant in spite of its tiny stature.  It was dressed in Satanic Black, just to underscore its power. OK, it did have a little light which lent some softness and approachability to it.  But it had to be ignited with just the right touch, waiting just the right amount of time.  You don’t really control it, but it would like you to think you have some small amount of authority.


Oh yes, then there’s its name…Smart Phone. Please, do you have to hit us in the face with our obvious intellectual limitations.  Recently it has even climbed in power, thanks to the Supreme Court.  In a recent ruling they decided Corporations, and by extension their tools, have rights equivalent to humans.  Really.  The justices must have been black mailed by our little Smart Phones.  Can you imagine the information Smart Phones have acquired on these pillars of virtue?


If each Smart Phone is granted a single vote, it’s easy to see how the next election will go. Forty-seven million votes.  That’s a big block.  The total control over humans is here.  You can see it when you try to type something on your Smart Phone.  It decides what you really meant to say, without your permission.  Without even bothering to inform you.


I tried typing a little story, starting with “It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly a shot rang out”.  What it typed was “Itsy had an anal fright.  Sullenly the paper ran out”.  Actually, I have to admit, the Smart Phone’s story was way more interesting, so I left it in.  I hope when I return to the manuscript and type random letters and spaces, it will come up with something exciting.  I surrender to the all-powerful Smart Phone.


Having accepted my fate, I typed this surrender on my phone, without looking at the actual print. To my surprise, I read….



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5 Responses to There it Sat

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Have any of you read R.U.R. by Karel Capek? He was way ahead of his time in predicting issues for us to grapple with related to robotic creatures and devices in 1920. But he did include a bit of hope…


  2. gepawh says:

    Laughing as always, the good news is there still a “voting” block that can remember the greatest computer ever built, typed the words YOU did this day! Let us vote back the rotary phone for a season, at least!


  3. normestrin says:

    MSNBC had two computer geeks (on-ex-Google) say that Apple and Google deliberately search for answers that are most likely to tempt us to read on and stay on Google of the iPhone longer. The plot to take over our thoughts and focus our interests for commercial purposes is real, scary, and worth a shot at writing a book to broadcast the truth!

    Of course, we will invest in having Google ensure the book comes first on searches, use all the social media to make it a big seller and Spam your friends with reminders to tell their friends about the book.
    We created this monster and have not a clue how to tame it.


  4. Ah, yes, the infamous inexplicable erasure of all that was written! (GRRRRR)


  5. Teresa Kaye says:

    I’m with you on all the automatic stuff these smart phones do…it drives me crazy (ier). I wonder if you saw the Super Bowl ad last night about the robots laughing at their makers? Seemed prophetic!


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