Scott’s Suicide

Spring afternoon
Floating anxiety
Can’t think!
Overwhelming emptiness
No hope
Scattered thinking
Must concentrate
Call home last time
Loving wife, twins, family
Should be happy
Can’t help it
Can’t think
Can’t function
Life so empty
Mental illness
There I said it
Out of control
No hope
Secluded place
Restful spot
Neatly fold clothes
Deliberate act
Racing mind
Can’t think
Need peace of mind
End this feeling!
Swift river
No hope

So sad
Always hope!

Norman F. Estrin, Ph.D.

About normestrin

I enjoy creating sculptures, drawings, paintings, poetry, prose, and new ideas. I also enjoy playing tennis, ping pong, and using my sense of humor. My career was in the trade association field, creating new programs, books, and conferences to meet the needs of certain industries.
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3 Responses to Scott’s Suicide

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    You’ve done such a good job of describing the emotions of a soul in distress….it’s so hard to know to help in these cases…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How apt the staccato format is when someone is feeling desperate and unable to formulate longer sentences. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. gepawh says:

    Powerful words to describe such desperation! Too bad Scott lacked peace and clarity!

    Liked by 1 person

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