Rainbows for Melissa’ Birthday

Each of our lives on Earth is a rainbow so high in the sky,
Beautiful yet ephemeral, rarely seen, but I know not why.

Some are small, just bursts of dazzling color through the mist;
Others form graceful arcs, lined with colors that God kissed.

They’re not here when the sky is blue, on a beautiful bright sunny day;
We see them after dark clouds and rain end, bringing the sun our way

Stunning, heavenly hues, a paintbrush, banishing the traces of grey;
What secrets will the rainbows reveal, that come and go this fall day

Imagine that each rainbow is a life that is a well-spent endeavor,
Displaying its bright tinted beauty, as thanks for this gift forever

Imagine you can pick the kind of rainbow you would like to be;
Would you choose a modest one or one painted for all to see

How do you select from so many choices? Listen to me,
Knowing what you want to accomplish in this life is the key

You now know the meaning of mutual love of family and friends,
Knowing the joy of helping those on whom your aid depends

Realizing the simple truth that all races are just people,
A person’s soul not an appearance that just is physical

Striving for excellence, you mastered technology and tools
Management knows you have the answers and passes by the fools

Yet knowledge is not enough unless you know the big picture
Strong communication skills made you a corporate fixture!

Having grasped this and are set to learn more each and every day,
You just need to balance work with fun, love and live the healthy way

May your eyes sparkle like the heavenly stars for all your days,
And your rainbow bring blazing beauty to the world always

® Norman Estrin, 49th Birthday (2017) Rainbows

About normestrin

I enjoy creating sculptures, drawings, paintings, poetry, prose, and new ideas. I also enjoy playing tennis, ping pong, and using my sense of humor. My career was in the trade association field, creating new programs, books, and conferences to meet the needs of certain industries.
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3 Responses to Rainbows for Melissa’ Birthday

  1. Your soul is indeed steeped in poetry. As of me, I’d like my life to be one of those brilliant double rainbows I saw frequently in Hawaii. If one fails, there is always the other to rely on.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. calumetkid says:

    A marvelous way to mention a thanks for a life well lived.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. gepawh says:

    Your joy and hopes are evident, I hope and pray realized by Melissa.

    Liked by 1 person

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