Next to Nothing

All we need to survive as a living person are the following three needs:

We need to eat.

We need to sleep.

We need to secrete.

Beyond those immutable needs we need nothing.  Everything else is a want.  A desire. A human craving for what we see, hear, smell, taste, or feel around us.

So, we reach our twilight years and look around us and see all the things we have that are ours.  We bought them, we made them, we inherited them.  Lots and lots of stuff.  Our comfort zones satisfied over and over again.  Property both real and personal and intellectual.  It is ours. Our clothes, our cars, our homes, acquired out of necessity to satisfy the three basic needs to a more or less extravagant degree.

All possession is transitory.  It lasts only as long as we do.  Everything that we own was on this earth before we were.  Oh yes, it is now in a new form, a new appearance, a new and different combination with other things but it was all here since the beginning.  Nothing new has been added to this earth, ever.  Only a few celestial bodies have struck the earth since time began.  And, yes, a few moon rocks have been brought back for a scientific “look see”.  But everything we have that we call ours has been here forever.

About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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1 Response to Next to Nothing

  1. It is somehow comforting to me to know that everything has been here since the beginning of our planet, and that our “stuff” will continue on after our children have rejected it.


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