


I, personally, am not addicted to drugs, but a list of the other addictions I possess is much too long to recount here. Hence, try one of these on for size:

1-SLEEP – do not wake me –ever

2-BANANAS – at least two-a-say to relieve my craving

3-PHOTOGRAPHY – I’ve taken so many pictures that my camera and my computer are starting to plot against me

4-NEWS – probably the worse addiction of all – a constant source of depression.

5-EXERCISE – any kind – a day without leads to deterioration of my physical & mental state

6-HGTV – what is it about fixing up a house that constantly lures me to the boob tube?

7-THE NEW YORK GIANTS – rooting is a truly useless addiction as they’ve won but one game all year

8-SNACKING – a terrible habit, but who can watch HGTV without it?

9-AVOIDANCE OF PHYSICAL LABOR – by far my favorite addiction, making all others pale by comparison


There are many more. These just covered the high spots. I’m looking forward to many other addictions as long as they do not violate the non-physical labor clause.





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6 Responses to addiction

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    It’s a great list, but I’m kind of wondering about #10???


  2. gepawh says:

    In some cases, addiction is good!


  3. santeach says:

    An interesting collection, Steve. I can relate to a few of them.


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