Minimalism is defined as a style characterized by extreme sparseness and simplicity. I read an article that stated that to be a minimalist, one must live with less than 100 things. Hmmm, not for me.


It is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom from fear, depression, the trappings of a consumer culture we’ve built our lives around – real freedom. Hmmm, doubtful.


For me, it means something entirely different: the size of an infant’s hands, a child’s laugh, a puppy’s smell – my kinds of minimum.


Ergo, here is a list of things that minimalists supposedly don’t do (with maximum help from the internet):

1 – Don’t lose sleep over keeping up with trends. Own just enough.

2 – Don’t succumb to decision fatigue before noon.

3 – Don’t drown in email. Keep your digital life clutter-free.

4 – Don’t worry about what others think or be overly influenced by them.

5 – Don’t spend Saturdays cleaning out the garage. Spend that time doing the things you love.

6 – Don’t reorganize – remove.

7 – Don’t let past decisions dictate the future.

8 – Don’t buy more, want less. Don’t buy anything to impress others.

9 – Don’t lose curiosity – ask questions.

10 – Don’t prioritize experiences over things.


My conclusion: I am a maximalist!


This is the absolute minimum I am going to write on this topic!




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6 Responses to WHAT WE AIN’T GOT

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I’ll take all your numbers, but I’m having trouble with the Remove… recommendation–that will take some work. You do a great job of playing with the meaning of words, like maximizing minimalism!


  2. I’m religiously working on numbers 4 and 8, with mixed success. I always love your pieces!!!


  3. gepawh says:

    What we ain’t got, we ain’t got! But what you have, is powerful wisdoms wrapped in an enjoyable wit!


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