What? Me Jealous? Sheesh

When teenage adolescence arrived without much prior notice, I suddenly took notice.  I noticed many things I did not have.  I noticed that I did not have a motor scooter, a red Cushman in fact, that some of my friends had.  I was jealous of them but not of it.  Later, I noticed a brand spanking new Chevy Corvette, 1953 model,  white with red interior.  That was easily the neatest car I ever saw.  Might still be.  I envied the owner.  He had a good job, bought it right out of college, and boy did I like his car.

But I had things too.  I had a Harvey Kuenn model Wilson baseball glove.  It was the best glove in the world, just ask me.  It was better than the Nellie Fox model even though it cost 5 dollars more than mine. So there, be jealous of my glove, ha!

In 1969 I got my Corvette to eliminate that envy that hung around for sixteen years. But it’s gone now.  I never got the scooter.  The desire is gone now.

Now, that time has gone by and so many things came about that I could not have, I realize that I never needed them in the first place.  I have a fine family, children, and the most lovable grand children anywhere. So any envy or jealousy I have had has been at least equalized if not exceeded by the rest of life. Things come and go.  Relationships live on and on.



About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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2 Responses to What? Me Jealous? Sheesh

  1. I love your conclusion. There speaks a wise man!


  2. gepawh says:

    Indeed! The great lesson your words and life itself teach us is: things are things and dreams come and go, but life and love (family) are infinite!


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