Enough is enough

I can get along with very little but I don’t want to.  I like to do things that require the use of things to keep my mind agile and alert.  One set of golf clubs or two?   One car or two. One home or two.

I recall a class I took years ago with the imparted lesson that humans do only three things.

Eat, sleep, and secrete.

Performing these three things gets one from cradle to grave.  Now that is as minimizing as life can get.  We all live somewhere between that standard and being King or Queen of the world and possessing everything..

I have certain minimum requirements on how I presently live.  First a comfortable lounge chair where I can think of what I’m going to write.  Nap as naps are needed. And quickly getting off my feet as fatigue sets in all too often.

I simply must have a cold beer now and then.  It’s bitter taste seems to enliven other senses which always enlivens the mind and soul too.

Conversations.  They seem to fit my minimum needs daily.  But not long laborious “conversations”.  Short and hopefully sweet ones.

Meals.  At home or not doesn’t matter.

A purpose other than something just for me.  It is actually a degree of fun to help others.  It’s  “least” I can do.

A little bit of anything but not much of everything.


About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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5 Responses to Enough is enough

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I like the idea of enlivening all our senses–that a great way to face life from our stage!


  2. Here speaks a man who has found balance in his life! Good job.


  3. jrowe2328 says:

    I’m waiting for your musings on your adventures as a law officer and officer of the court, I know there is a book in those adventures and misadventures.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. pales62 says:

    Eat, sleep, secrete – words to live by. Loved it!


  5. gepawh says:

    Your words as always are ripe with wisdom and you make the reader feel almost as content as you!


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