Jealousy Unmasked

Jealousy has had a bad rap.  Jealously has existed since the first single cell amoeba rushed to engulf the first food particle while his neighbor cell stared in awe and envy.  Jealousy exists on a grand scale too.  Consider the battle of two gigantic galaxies circling one another for millions of years in a dance of dominance in order to consume and control the millions of stars of the other.


In human terms jealously forces us to reach farther, explore, seek, acquire and control.  All of this may sound selfish at first glance but where would we be without wanting more, seeking more and taking more.  Nobody would crave anything beyond what was in their immediate reach.  Everyone would be content with their limited personal world. Progress would slow to a crawl.


As I write this little editorial, I ponder its fate.  I imagine your finger, dear Reader, poised over the delete button.  Stop!  Put those fingers to work and surpass this masterpiece of writing with your more profound insights.  Join the ranks of the amoebas and galaxies.  Let these able predecessors be your beacon and inspiration.  Elevate yourself. Work on your acceptance speech for your Nobel Prize for Literature.


Long live jealously! It is the engine of progress and the key to survival.

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4 Responses to Jealousy Unmasked

  1. lynteach8 says:

    Lee, your piece is fun to read. Also, I can tell you enjoyed writing your editorial and reading it aloud to us. And I agree with with your premise.


  2. pales62 says:

    A new take on ahold topic, but my kind of take!

    Excellent as usual!


  3. gepawh says:

    An interesting thought! Jealousy, old and new, human and inanimate, personal and universal. As always, you offer something to ponder!


  4. Well put. Much food for thought, while amusing. Fun to read.


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