





In 1922, Einstein was travelling in Europe. During his journey, he learned that he had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He awarded a courier with a single hand-written message: “A calm and humble life will bring more happiness than the pursuit of success and the constant restlessness that comes with it”. Wouldn’t it be nice to follow his advice, after all the letter sold for $1.56 million – proof that there is value to his words.


An NFL player donates his entire year’s salary to educational charities that will improve educational opportunities for all. “I think we can agree that equality in education can effect positive change we all want to see in this country”.


Two students in a New Jersey high school set up a box where students can leave anonymous compliments for each other.







There are literally thousands of these feel-good stories reported every day, but not near as much as the bad news garbage.


So, calm down and stay humble. Look for ways to affect positive change in your everyday life. A simple compliment, a simple good deed goes a long way. There is really no point in not being pleasant. Just imagine a world in which countries looked for the good, the positive in other nations.


To quote John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’: “You may think I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one”.

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6 Responses to Imagine

  1. lynteach8 says:

    Your humor( in most of your writing and minutes) accomplishes as much as any of the feel good stories in restoring by sanity. I do love the song you quoted.


  2. jrowe2328 says:

    The “news” on our TV each evening, that I remember from youth, always had a positive story near the end of the broadcast to leave you with.


  3. Beautifully expressed! I’m a dreamer too.


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