





There is an obvious temptation to almost always write glowingly about the word “mother” in affectionate terms of praise and admiration – usually well-deserved. Having said that, this piece of amateur literature will instead be focused on the word “mother” and the myriad ways it is used.


We’ll commence with the word itself and its variations. It’s a gigantic list, but here are a few prominent examples:

1 motherhood

2 mother Mary or mother of God

3 super – mom

4 mama’s boy

5 mother’s milk

6 mother earth

7 mamma mia

8 mother courage

9 mother Russia

10 mother church

11 mother country

12 mother hen

13 mother nature

14 mother tongue





I could continue, but I’d run out of paper and ink. Therefore, let’s list a few phrases in which appears the word “mother”:

1 come to mother

2 every mother’s son

3 only a mother could love …..

4 can’t fool mother nature

5 swear on your mother’s life

6 learn at your mother’s knee

7 just like mom used to make

8 step on a crack, break you mother’s back

9 a face only a mother could love

10 mother’s apron strings

11 mother of all battles

12 mom always knows best

13 mom always liked you best


Lists of maternal word or phrases could go on ad infinitum, so you will not be subjected to reading any more. Hurray!









This was not to denigrate mothers or the role they play, but simply a change from the usual. It doesn’t mean I didn’t love my own mom – I did! Yet, she was the one who always said: “Stephen (only used when she was angry), clean up your room!’


All I can add after all this: “Look Ma, no hands!”




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8 Responses to Unconventional

  1. Unique and interesting take on the prompt. Your pieces are always a joy to read. I look forward to them because you make me smile.


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I look forward to your writings because you always have such an original approach to whatever we are writing about!


  3. lynteach8 says:

    Loved the unconventional approach to the prompt. I have no doubt you loved your mother, and did you get your sense of humor from your mother?


  4. gepawh says:

    Humorous as always. I was pleased to see you left out the “other” use of the word mother. I think I was called it a few times.


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