Help Wanted: Mothers


Must be female, though this can be flexible these days

No previous experience required

No training, education, licensing required
Special requirements:

Must be willing to gain about 30 lbs. for mine months;

Must be able to withstand 10 level pain during The Miracle of Birth;

Must be able to remain conscious with virtually no sleep for the first post birth year;

Must be comfortable handling massive quantities of human waste;

Must be able to remain calm in the face of teenage rage and “I hate you”  phase;

Must be able to put aside personal goals and interests for at lease two decades.


None.  Note: net loss of 200k, the average cost to raise a child to 18; does not include The cost of therapy or legal fees


Mother’s Day cards; dinner out (optional)

Smiling child, when they are asleep

Miracle of Birth (see above)

Job description:

Cook, clean, wash

Watch for any danger 

Put the toilet seat down

Fix, repair all illness and injuries


Contact your nearest man for further information.  Warning:  promises of support and assistance may be exaggerated.  No refunds.  No returns.  All sales are final.

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4 Responses to Help Wanted: Mothers

  1. pales62 says:

    I have never been mother to the best of my knowledge, but you nailed this one! Bravo!


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    The benefits are correct. I still have all my Mother’s Day cards!


  3. As a certified mother, I can tell you that there have been times when I questioned what I was thinking when I applied for the job.


  4. gepawh says:

    Ha! A thankless task at times for sure, but I was told by many women, they would do it for free for the power and pleasure far outweigh the costs or loss! I was wondering if I could apply as I’ve been called a mother…… a few times!

    Liked by 1 person

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