
There was once a girl from Minnesota

Who ordered two straws and a soda

To share in the open air

With a boy who drove a covair

From Minnesota to Sarasota


There was once a lady from St. Cloud

To one an all she was loud

I will only marry rich

Not one who lives in a ditch

Alas, the lady from St. Cloud was disavowed



There was once a girl from Viking

Whose beauty was incredibly striking

She turned 72

But nobody knew

For she was from Viking and still striking

*A birthday Limerick from Chuck

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3 Responses to Limericks

  1. gepawh says:

    First, Happy Birthday! Fabulous limericks in the true sense of them. See, only you doubted you!


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    Especially love the birthday limerick–Happy 72! Also enjoyed the Minnesota flavor.


  3. LOL – fun to read. 😀


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