Dear Editor

It’s clear now that the American flag no longer is acceptable in this divided nation.  We need a new symbol all can rally around.  I propose a smiling cow be the new flag of the United States.  Who could possibly be aggravated by a smiling cow? … completely neutral and tasty too.  Let’s all rally around the cow!

Signed: Patriot


Dear Patriot,

What are you thinking? Cows are brown, black or even more offensive, black and white. It brings out the hatred lingering in America ever since we arrived on America’s shores only to find strange people dressed in little more than feathers.  No, cows won’t work.  Maybe chipmunks.  Everyone loves Alvyn and what’s his name.

Signed:  True Patriot


Dear True Patriot,

You got it all wrong.  Chipmunks are nothing but cute rats.  They are still rats with no tails, in disguise.  They plan on spreading disease and killing us all.  A certain president has been raising them as pets and training them to follow his commands.  Chipmunkgate I’m sure will soon be revealed.

Signed: Rate Hater,


Dear Rat Hater,

As a Vegan, I can only respond to Rat Hater with disgust.  We should love and respect all animals, even rats.  All animals have a place in our peaceful, united planet.  As for the cow flag, I’m on board.  The only problem I have with it is the big smile.  Why should the cow have to smile and entertain us?  Couldn’t  he just be a cow, chewing grass peacefully?

Signed:  Can’t We All Just Get Along?


Dear Can’t

God made “us” to be at the top of the pyramid… king of all.  Animals are here to serve us.  As for the cow flag, maybe we could compromise to please the tree huggers.  Perhaps our flag could be a Big Mac with large fries.  Now that is American!

Signed:  Burger Boy


Dear All You Crazies,

I’ve been hired  to represent Cows United, not Divided (CUD).  Cows of all types are standing up for cow rights.  A recent Gallop poll found 98% of cows were against any participation in any form, in the national symbol debate.  They saw what happened to the Bald Eagle.  The other two percent had no opinion, as they were too busy in the Burger Heaven line.  I will filing a restraining order to halt this abuse.  Now, if Americans pay a royalty fee for each flag, that’s another story.  I will, of course, take one third of the massive settlement. Which reminds me, maybe I should be on the flag.  What’s more American than law suits!

Signed:  Sue and Settle


Editor’s Response:

I see no need for any flag at all.  Flags only incite discord and violence wherever they are and whatever is on them.  Down with flags!  Stop writing to me and chill!

Signed:  I’m Sick of You All


Dear Editor,

Who made you Final Arbiter?  We’re just having a spirited debate here.  What’s wrong with you?  America was founded on fighting, verbally and otherwise.  It’s in our jeans.  Leave us alone!  By the way, I intend to burn your paper on the City Hall steps right after my pet parrot poops on it.

Signed:  Here’s to Freedom!





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6 Responses to Dear Editor

  1. I especially like this: “America was founded on fighting, verbally and otherwise.  It’s in our jeans.” Unfortunately that is so true. Down with testosterone. 😀


  2. normestrin says:

    You captured beautifully the rancor in this land. I say, forget the flag. Weave us a tapestry of love that includes all peoples and all living things. May it wave all over the world to remind us of fragility of our lives and our planet, and bring us all together,


  3. Teresa Kaye says:

    I am reminded of Dr. Seuss’ Butter Battle Book–enjoyable rant with many current parallels. I wish we could just all get along! Maybe in the future…the humor helps.


  4. lynteach8 says:

    Great piece. I only wish I could enjoy the actual LTE that I read daily as much as I enjoyed reading your posted LTE. Very clever rant. We laugh and laughter truly helps.


  5. gepawh says:

    And yet another great rant fully exposing the BS of people period! The truth be told, where there is a smile, someone is looking to stifle it! Burritos, bean or otherwise, are expressly prohibited by article 167-c of the statutory authority of the planet, something to do with flatulence and global warming, so I’ll stick with ye ole Stars and Stripes, in honor of the valiant that made this nation a blessing, to all people!


  6. jrowe2328 says:

    This is GREAT! I believe you have demonstrated most of the idiotic stances taken by different hate groups. Bravo, I raise my flag to you ( it has a bean burrito on it)!


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