First of all, don’t call me no “gator”! Officially, I am to be referred to as an “alligator”, specifically “A. Mississippiensis”, my scientific name. Us guys have been around since the Paleocene Epoch – about 66 million years ago! We’ve coped with dinosaurs, so humans are no biggie!


I am an average adult, about 13 feet long and weighing around 800 pounds. Wanna mess with me? I’m a very solitary animal, but very territorial. Just don’t invade my turf! My diet ranges from fish (especially Florida gar – yum, yum) to turtles (darn hard shells are hard to get through) to various mammals (warning: keep your weird pets away from my sphere of influence!).


What really annoys me is that some of my fellow species are raised commercially for their meat and skin (used for bags and shoes). I do not want to see any of you wearing those shoes or carrying those bags, made of my kin’s skin! Or else!












I’ve lived in Florida my whole life, most of which without any intrusions from you dreadful humanoids. You guys come down here in droves, changing the environment, building odd-looking houses and polluting my habitat.


But, you genetic mutants ain’t gonna affect the likes of myself. I just eat, drink and, for the most part, keep out of your way. Once in a while, one of my buddies may cause some problems like eating a pet or biting some idiot who swims in their area – never our fault, just the dummys that get too near. I wish you genetic mutants would just mind your own business.


When all is said and done, we only kill two or three Floridians a year. Big deal! Truth-be-told, you guys really don’t taste good at all!



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8 Responses to CALL OF THE WILD

  1. Sounds like you’ve been hanging out with alligators, to be able to express their opinions so well. 😀


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I loved the genetic mutants reference! Am thinking there are multiple layers of meaning here…we kind of all hate to have our turf messed with…


  3. lynteach8 says:

    Hey, Mr. Alligator,
    I was happy to see you back in the pond behind my house. Don’t worry my pet and I stayed safely away.
    Yours Truly
    Genetic Mutant


  4. jrowe2328 says:

    I agree with Mr Alligator, humans are stupid! More so since last November! I, for one, shall admire you from a reasonable distance and can assure you I am old and tough, so would not taste good or tender!


  5. leeroc2 says:

    Humans may be an acquired taste. We will see. Alligators may be planning an upscale cafe. Hmmm.


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