Time for a Drive

I drove quickly out of the driveway, looking both ways as I entered the quiet street.  I accelerated to the next light, engine humming with power. Thunderbird is a good name for this baby.


A police siren stormed up from behind. I pull over and he roars by with sirens blaring and little pebbles fleeing for their lives.  In a few seconds he flew over the small hill ahead.  In a moment as I crested the hill I saw the reason for the hurry.  Four cars were tangled up in an awkward pile reminding me of a metal wrestling match.  One just gave up and rolled over, wheels to the heavens.  I pulled slowly around the pileup, onto the gravel breakdown lane. Police and fire trucks were just arriving from both directions.  Lucky I was running late today.  I may have been in that pile.


Calming down a bit I drove along peacefully singing some Beachboys tune about 409 or something.  Oh no!  What, a huge traffic jam ahead.  I lined up with a string of cars as dump trucks and bulldozers took command.  I think these crews enjoy the power  they have.  They are in charge and they dig holes.  What kind of perfect is that.  One at a time cars were allowed to pass.  I finally got through.


I spot the Arches ahead.  Getting hungry for sure.  Driving is exciting but it can be stressful too.  I pull in beside a Chevy convertible.  There were several sedans and a few pickups too.  The whole world gathers here like some watering hole in Africa.  I can’t wait for that Big Mac and extra fries.


“Time for lunch!  Stop playing with your silly cars and come in”, the voice boomed.  I left my Kingdom, suspended. The dinosaurs will attack this quiet town soon.  They have no idea.  Poor souls.





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2 Responses to Time for a Drive

  1. As always, you caught me off guard. And, as always, well done.


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I love your kingdom–and would hope for every child to have similar creations.


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