


I growed up out here bout a mile or two, as the crow flies, outside Lincoln, Nebraski. Been here all my life, plowing, seeding and bringin in them crops.


Up every morning at 5 AM to feed the chicks, slop the hogs and milk the cows and goats. Everything we done et was home grown. It was a neat, healthy life and I enjoyed it muchly!


One day a dude in a gray suit arrived, looking a lot like Kevin Costner, that thar movie guy. He axed me ifin I would sell him some acres out in the corn field. He offered me a good price, which I accepted as the current condition of the economy here made it impossible to keep the farm.

In a few weeks he returned with a bunch of men and some heavy machines which I never done seen afore. They started clearing the land. In a few days, I wuz able to see that that they wuz building a baseball field! I axed the dude, “What gives”? He replied, “They’ll come”.


But twaisn’t ball players like in the movies, but a bunch of ten-year-old kids.


These kids now play on this here Little League ballfield. The league pays me enough so I ken keep my farm!


Last year these kids won the Little League World Series. They brought home this here trophy that I keeps on a shelf over Elsie, my best milkin cow’s, stall.


Ever since I put up that trophy, Elsie is one contented cow. She gives much more milk that ever before.


Her calf, Carnation, is also contented and so am I!




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3 Responses to THEY WILL COME

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Your words triggered some childhood memories I had forgotten–Elsie the Borden cow was an important character from my youth! As well as Carnation Instant Milk–a staple!


  2. jrowe2328 says:

    What a fine tale! I hope Elsie and Carnation continue to be contented.


    • pales62 says:

      Them thar cows is doing real well! Thanks for axing.

      Some weird news: Gaery got to your shoes before I did. Got the shoes and polished so nicely you wouldn’t believe! The best part – he replaced the shoes and fixed the packaging so one would never notice it was open.


      He told me that they are so shiny that mauve has turned to deep purple! >


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