The Ad

The Ad answered my mother’s prayers—twice.

I have a toddler and a new baby and my husband’s navy paycheck barely covers the rent and food. How will I scrape together money to purchase a Christmas gift? He is so far away, stationed somewhere in the Pacific. He has never met his new baby girl.

Then she read:

Grand Opening

Scherling’s Studio

First 25 customer/Free professional photo

October 1, 1945

That was the answer to her prayers. My mother dressed Karen and me in the pale blue silk dresses my father sent from somewhere. We were bundled into the red wagon and off we went down Park Avenue to Fifth Street to Beltrami Avenue. We made it, one of 25 new customers.  Later my mother purchased a frame at the Five and Dime, insured the package and sent it off, hoping it would reach my father. It didn’t.

About two years after my father returned, the mangled package arrived. They tossed the ruined photo and Mother collected the insurance money. Everyday life continued. Katharine, Daniel and James were born. Baptisms, confirmations, graduations, weddings, illness, funerals, new homes, different states, friends and travel filled their lives. Then one day my parents retired and returned to their hometown.

This ad read:

Scherling’s Studio Open House

Thank you for Fifty Years

October 1, 1995

My mother drove their new Cadillac to Scherling’s Studio on Beltrami Avenue. Was it possible after all these years that he still had the negative? Three days later Mr. Scherling called—he did. Christmas came early that year for my father.

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8 Responses to The Ad

  1. jrowe2328 says:

    O’Henry in reverse! What a great delayed Christmas gift for your Dad!


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I think true stories are often the best! I am really enjoying all the memories people in this class are sharing. I kind of wonder what happens to photos like that these days when everything is digital. Could a story like this happen 50 years from now?


    • jrowe2328 says:

      Good question! I doubt Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter or any of these current media sites have an archive that would go back that far!


  3. santeach says:

    Great story! A Hallmark short film.


  4. gepawh says:

    I agree, a beautiful mother/father story, filled with happiness.


  5. lynteach8 says:

    When you are in Key West, step into Hemingway’s favorite bar and raise a glass. I’m reading a novel when out of the blue, I realized I made an error in my last piece. But I fixed it.


  6. What a sweet story! It brought back memories of those days, and tears to my eyes. Thanks.


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